Figurina Animation Theatre was founded in 1983 by Gábor Siklósi and Klára Fers. It was the first private puppet theatre to be established in Hungary after 40 years of communism. Today, besides the founders, permanent members include Eszter Siklósi and Attila Fenyvesi, while close associates are Écska Pleszkán, Lujza Lóránt, Zsófi Raffay, Gyöngyvér Mészáros and Éva Pleszkán.
Figurina regularly features at professional forums both in Hungary and abroad (see Travels) and is also a regular performer in a number of theatres in Budapest (Bárka, Kolibri, Komédium, Merlin).
Owing to its high professional quality, our puppet theatre is a regular beneficiary of the grants offered by the Cultural Fund of the Capital City Council, the Ministry of Culture and the National Cultural Fund. In 2010 the two founding members received the prestigious Géza Blattner Award.
Figurina offers a broad spectrum of methods within the art of puppetry – we use traditional puppets, take advantage of the magic of modern technology, we have a show using giant puppets but, most typically, we offer hand and object animation pieces to entertain, educate and encourage creative play in children, as well as open-minded adults.
True to the oldest traditions of puppet-acting, we usually write, design and physically create our own performances.
Although happy and eager travellers, in 2008 Figurina have also created its own home in Budapest (see The theatre) – a permanent theatre where we regularly offer performances to children and grown-ups alike.
Although happy and eager travellers, in 2008 we have also created Figurina’s own home in Budapest (see The theatre) – a permanent theatre where we regularly offer performances to children and grown-ups alike.